Excellent Financial Solution For Your Project & Investment

The Falcon Point Assets Inc is a foremost investment firm that has garnered stellar record of encouraging financial quality through the development and focused advancement of investing clients.

Established in 2001, the firm has successful mergers and acquisitions valued at more than $30 billion. As a financial specialist, Falcon Capital works with investment administrators to deliberately reposition organizations and execute operational changes, bringing about quality creation for investors.

Set up in 2001 by the Hinduja family, with Shanu Srichand Hinduja as CEO, the Falcon Point Assets Inc has been committed to creating alternative investment solutions for over 10 years.


Global Invetment Advice That Works For You

With an incorporated, worldwide group of banking experts, Falcon Capital Investment Banking group gives clients around the globe with a wide range of advisory and financing services and options. Our novel group structure empowers us to bring the right blend of services and industry specialists, alongside a worldwide point of view, to locate the best answers for our clients.

Our core investment business is centered around specific business sector mergers and acquisitions, value financing and obligation counseling exercises. We additionally give rebuilding, clear cut opinions and other uncommon admonitory administrations.

Notwithstanding our 250+ venture managing an account experts, Falcon Capital has had strategic alliances and partnerships with premier investment banks and firms, furnishing our clients with a genuinely worldwide and broad system of assets.

Combining customary saving money administrations at Falcon Capital conveys your everyday funds into the master plan overseen by your trusted Falcon Financial Advisor.


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Investment Gallery

Services Overview

Falcon Capital Corporation (FCC) & Falcon Insurance Inc (FII) are subsidiaries of Falcon Point Assets, Inc.

Contact Us

A Representative will contact you.

Address: 7th Floor, 6 Bevis Marks, Bury Ct, London EC3A 7HL United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 122 467 9059

E-mail: info@falconpointassets.co.uk

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Falcon Point Assets

Excellent Financial Solution For Your Project & Investment

The Falcon Point Assets Inc is a foremost investment firm that has garnered stellar record of encouraging financial quality through the development and focused advancement of investing clients.

Established in 2001, the firm has successful mergers and acquisitions valued at more than $30 billion. As a financial specialist, Falcon Capital works with investment administrators to deliberately reposition organizations and execute operational changes, bringing about quality creation for investors.

Set up in 2001, the Falcon Point Assets Inc has been committed to creating alternative investment solutions for over 10 years.


Global Invetment Advice That Works For You

With an incorporated, worldwide group of banking experts, Falcon Capital Investment Banking group gives clients around the globe with a wide range of advisory and financing services and options. Our novel group structure empowers us to bring the right blend of services and industry specialists, alongside a worldwide point of view, to locate the best answers for our clients.

Our core investment business is centered around specific business sector mergers and acquisitions, value financing and obligation counseling exercises. We additionally give rebuilding, clear cut opinions and other uncommon admonitory administrations.

Notwithstanding our 250+ venture managing an account experts, Falcon Capital has had strategic alliances and partnerships with premier investment banks and firms, furnishing our clients with a genuinely worldwide and broad system of assets.

Combining customary saving money administrations at Falcon Capital conveys your everyday funds into the master plan overseen by your trusted Falcon Financial Advisor.


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Investment Gallery

Services Overview

Falcon Capital Corporation (FCC) & Falcon Insurance Inc (FII) are subsidiaries of Falcon Point Assets, Inc.

Contact Us

A Representative will contact you.

Address: 7th Floor, 6 Bevis Marks, Bury Ct, London EC3A 7HL United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 122 467 9059

E-mail: info@falconpointassets.co.uk

uk driving theory test